Practicum experiences and field placements
Learn the requirements and how to submit applications for classroom observation, internships, and student teaching in Garland ISD.

Earn hands-on experience
We appreciate your interest in considering our district for your clinicals. We accept applications at different times depending on the type:
- Student Teaching: Fall and Spring semesters
- Internships: Year-round (dependent on type)
- Classroom Observations: Fall and Spring semesters
We accept requests from colleges, universities, alternative certification programs, and their affiliated staff. Availability may be limited, so please have your requests made as soon as possible.
On this page
Student Teaching and Departmental Internships
Step 1: Have your EPP make a formal request
Your Educator Preparation Program (EPP) contact must reach out to Kim Chatman by completing and submitting the EPP Student Teacher Intern Information form. Please note that if a student submits an application without this formal request from the EPP, it will not be processed.
Step 2: Complete the Garland ISD online application
All students/interns must complete the GISD Student Teacher Online Application.
Step 3: Get your fingerprint-based background check
Complete the fingerprint-based background check form. Students will receive an email from IDENTOGO (nobody@uemail.identogo.com) with appointment scheduling instructions. If you do not receive this email within 3 days and have checked your spam filters, please email Kim Chatman.
Step 4: Take your ID Badge photo and have it processed
Please email your headshot to Kim Chatman.This photo must be taken with a solid background, full-face view (nothing below the shoulders), and professional-looking (but can be taken yourself).
Step 5: Wait to be placed and attend Student-Teacher orientation
Preferences and special requests are honored based on availability.If a placement is made, students must attend a mandatory orientation.
Contact for Student Teaching/Internships
Classroom Observations
We take observation requests during specific times of the year:
Semester | Dates | Application deadline |
Fall | Aug. 21-Nov. 15 | Nov. 13 |
Spring | Jan. 27-April 18 | April 15 |
Submit an application
Step 1: Go to our job portal
Navigate to our Recruiting and Hiring portal to make a request
Step 2: Find the observation listing
Go to Job Listings and select the entry titled "Classroom Observation" on the lefthand vacancies menu.
Step 3: Fill out an application
Find and select the "Apply" button and complete the application. Submit when you are finished.
Step 4: Submit and wait for verification
After your application is submitted, you should receive a verification letter. It should arrive within 3 business days of the observation period or submission of a background check.
When you've submitted your application, you will receive a confirmation number and your information will be saved allowing you to return at any time to submit additional applications. Please note that a new application will be required each semester.
Observing on campus
Once you have a verification letter, contact the campus principal to request observation permission. You can begin observations once the principal has given you permission.
Please be sure to sign in and out at the campus office for each visit and wear your visitor badge while you are on campus.
Contact for Classroom Observations
Work with us
Interested in becoming a part of Team GISD? Learn more about the process:
- Find our upcoming Job Fair events on our Job Fairs and Recruiting Events page
- View open job positions through our Frontline job application system
- Interested in teaching? See the steps to working in the classroom on the How to Get Certified in Texas page and see what we offer on the Teachers page